Tag Archive | Finance

Thankful For My Best Friend!

We continue to see on the TV, social media, CNN, & etc. that world is a bit bi-polar right now. In a world where you are not sure if folks are helping you for hidden agendas; who’s really on your team; and are we really friends or just foes? Is this success really success? 2017 has brought about new growth for me. I feel like a flower budding with new vision.

With that being said I am thankful and grateful that I have a BEST FRIEND who truly has my back and best interest at heart. I not only get a best friend and husband but I get one who’s a PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR, Yeah!!! I get FREE services! Because 2017 has had my mind spinning on a few things and with the constructive criticism and great advice I appreciate my husband letting me know that I’m not crazy! LOL!!! Don’t stop being the person you truly are or sharing the gift that God has given you because you may have been hurt by folks with bad intentions. So true!

The saying “a season and a reason” is so very true! People and things enter your life for a reason and a season, and it’s all for you to learn from. If I’m not learning from it I may need to stay on that counselor coach a bit longer (trust me I’m always learning & memory banking). I’ve learned not to be so much in “my feelings” when I see things that come and go in my life, because I know it’s “a season and a reason.” God is trying to show me something and I better clear my vision to see it! Things that dissipate are meant to disappear.

Make it a great life!


Peace, Love, & Blessings

Jenkins kissing


RWR Letter: Waterhose in the Rain?

So, I’m sure a huge majority could state they are not their significant others 1st love or 1st date. In this year of 2016 a lot of us are in “blended families.” It’s like the new norm nowadays.

This lady has come to tell us a story that she encountered with her significant other’s ex-wife. We have to accept and understand the ex’s will give calls regarding children, unsolved financial issues, taxes, and I’m sure a host of things, but this one caught her by surprise.

One great afternoon while the couple was enjoying themselves on a lazy Sunday – her significant other’s ex-wife called and stated she needed to get the waterhose for the lawn and did he happen to take it. He informed her that he was not sure if he had it, but was unable to check at this time, but would get back to her. The Ex, insisted that she needed to get a return call soon, or to come by and bring it because she needed it. When he got off the phone with his ex, he told his lady that was his ex-wife and she was calling to find out if he had the waterhose. Well, she thought she must be be the only one crazy because as they were enjoying this lazy Sunday, it was also pouring raining outside. The side-eye has emerged! As we know, there was questions after questions, of which he really didn’t care to answer, or seem to even worry that it was raining outside and just maybe her call wasn’t about a waterhose.

Our friend who we will call “Ms. Side-eye” just wanted to hear if anyone else thought there was something really strange about calling with urgency for a waterhose and it was raining, or is she that person who thinks “you can piss me on call it rain.”

Give this sista your real opinions, or just share a “side-eye” with her.

#RWRLetters, this is real we can’t make this up!


“Breadwinner Wives” Are there issues when women make more money than their man?

First, let me say that this subject is geared towards married couples and individuals who are in a committed relationship and they live together. The foundation of my opinion is for all couples but it will have a different twist if you are not married and not living together.

I would like to think there should not be any issues regarding this subject because the money is coming into the household for the betterment of the family, right? But listening to women and men there are definitely some serious issues behind this scenario.

I have spoken with several women who feel because they make more money than their man; he seems to feel insecure or maybe even “less than a man.” This puts the woman in an awkward position, because she feels she should not have to “dumb herself down” (for lack of better words) just because she has been financially blessed and she has rightfully earned those wages.

I have heard from men that women who make the bulk of the money seem to have an air about them and feel that their man can’t say too much to them in the way of demands because they are not making as much money as their women.

The way the economy has been for us in the last few years it is not surprising that some women may make more money than her mate. In recent articles more women have taken on going back to school which has led more women to earning their Master Degrees and PhD’s. Their education is leading them to be more financially stable and has placed them in upper management positions.

In my opinion, if the money is coming into the home it is for the betterment of the entire family. So then why is there an issue? I believe in the men’s defense women take on the approach or attitude that if they make the most money you can’t have that “man” title in the home and in the women’s defense men are dealing with their own insecurities of not making the money they wished their women were making. This is a touchy subject for some and affects relationships in different ways, but I believe that women and men cannot use their financial status against each other.

Check out the attached link and let me know your thoughts and if you have been in this situation please share your experiences.


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