Tag Archive | self-worth; self-esteem; dating; relationships; love; men; women; tattoos; face; parents; career; girlfriend; boyfriend

RWR Letter: Waterhose in the Rain?

So, I’m sure a huge majority could state they are not their significant others 1st love or 1st date. In this year of 2016 a lot of us are in “blended families.” It’s like the new norm nowadays.

This lady has come to tell us a story that she encountered with her significant other’s ex-wife. We have to accept and understand the ex’s will give calls regarding children, unsolved financial issues, taxes, and I’m sure a host of things, but this one caught her by surprise.

One great afternoon while the couple was enjoying themselves on a lazy Sunday – her significant other’s ex-wife called and stated she needed to get the waterhose for the lawn and did he happen to take it. He informed her that he was not sure if he had it, but was unable to check at this time, but would get back to her. The Ex, insisted that she needed to get a return call soon, or to come by and bring it because she needed it. When he got off the phone with his ex, he told his lady that was his ex-wife and she was calling to find out if he had the waterhose. Well, she thought she must be be the only one crazy because as they were enjoying this lazy Sunday, it was also pouring raining outside. The side-eye has emerged! As we know, there was questions after questions, of which he really didn’t care to answer, or seem to even worry that it was raining outside and just maybe her call wasn’t about a waterhose.

Our friend who we will call “Ms. Side-eye” just wanted to hear if anyone else thought there was something really strange about calling with urgency for a waterhose and it was raining, or is she that person who thinks “you can piss me on call it rain.”

Give this sista your real opinions, or just share a “side-eye” with her.

#RWRLetters, this is real we can’t make this up!


Woman Tattoos Face After 1 Date?

Woman Tattoos Face After 1 Date?

Love & Relationship..Yes, it’s wonderful and I can safely say that most individuals are looking for their “soul-mate” or “help-mate” or whatever you may want to call it. You hear a lot of stories from women and men indicating that women fall in love so quickly or they are already planning out the wedding in their mind after the 1st date. I bet we all know 1 or 2 women (it might just be us who was that woman) who had her bridesmaid already listed out and the color of the dresses after only a couple dates.

Here’s a real serious issue for me. This young lady that made me write this blog had a huge tattoo on the side of her face and was said this was after their 1st date! Yes, the 1ST DATE! I thought what was this young lady trying to tell or show this man. How much she wanted to be with him? How much she was dedicated to him? All I thought about was where is her self-worth and self-esteem? What type of relationship did she have with her parents? What type of career do you have for yourself and do you plan on getting a job and what kind of job? Although, the story states they are engaged now, this has no bearing on how I feel about her having both sides of her face tattooed with a man’s name on it.

For me.. having this type of tattoo on the side her face for a man that she just met or even if she had dated him for months, showed me this young lady has some deep-seeded issues. Yes, I am making this judgment off of this picture &/or story. When you love yourself – I mean really love and respect yourself you would not do that to your face for a man that you just started casually dating. YOUR FACE?!?!

Ladies and gentleman we need to make sure we are reaching out as mentors to these young people because this is just unacceptable. That’s my two cents.

Real Women Revealed/CEO & Founder