Tag Archive | heart

Thankful For My Best Friend!

We continue to see on the TV, social media, CNN, & etc. that world is a bit bi-polar right now. In a world where you are not sure if folks are helping you for hidden agendas; who’s really on your team; and are we really friends or just foes? Is this success really success? 2017 has brought about new growth for me. I feel like a flower budding with new vision.

With that being said I am thankful and grateful that I have a BEST FRIEND who truly has my back and best interest at heart. I not only get a best friend and husband but I get one who’s a PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR, Yeah!!! I get FREE services! Because 2017 has had my mind spinning on a few things and with the constructive criticism and great advice I appreciate my husband letting me know that I’m not crazy! LOL!!! Don’t stop being the person you truly are or sharing the gift that God has given you because you may have been hurt by folks with bad intentions. So true!

The saying “a season and a reason” is so very true! People and things enter your life for a reason and a season, and it’s all for you to learn from. If I’m not learning from it I may need to stay on that counselor coach a bit longer (trust me I’m always learning & memory banking). I’ve learned not to be so much in “my feelings” when I see things that come and go in my life, because I know it’s “a season and a reason.” God is trying to show me something and I better clear my vision to see it! Things that dissipate are meant to disappear.

Make it a great life!


Peace, Love, & Blessings

Jenkins kissing


Can Successful Women Work Together Successfully?

Real Women Revealed Presents
“Can Successful Women Work Together Successfully?”
Successful women will share their success stories & not so successful stories. The goal is to understand where we go wrong and what we can continue to do right.
This #RWRSisterhoodSession will be very empowering & educational. (#SelfReflection)
Great lunch provided by Tk Sdesertdog & Check Out Some Fun Closet Stuffers! 🙂

RWR sisterhood session 6.3. REVISED

3rd Annual Honoree’s-Celebration of Women

I know I’ve said it a few times now, but the 3rd Annual Celebration of Women – Sisterhood Session Summit really touched my heart. RWR also had the pleasure of honoring our Honoree’s! RWR always has an eye out for our 3 Pillars of excellence:

  • Sisterhood
  • Community
  • Celebration of Women

These honoree’s displayed an abundance of excellence in their rightful categories:

  • Suzanne Douglas-Nelson (Owner of Desert Lily Solutions LLC) received our Sisterhood Achievement Award = Suzanne has been a friend to RWR for over 10 years. It doesn’t matter how often we see or speak with each other she is always there to assist. Always there to support a RWR cause without hesitation. Her persona/personality always displays Sisterhood. Congrats Suzanne!
  • Channel Powe (Founder of PPAT) received our Community Achievement Award  = Channel has been a champion fighting in our community for many years. She serves on the Balsz School Board & she is the founder of Progressive Power Activist Training (PPAT). Training advocates, organizers, and leaders who will be qualified, competent and active in advocating progressive public policies throughout the sate of Arizona. Congrats Channel!
  • Ericka Nicholes – (Director of Marketing & Community Relations for South West Advanced Neurological Rehab) received our Celebration of Women Achievement Award = Ericka is an amazing social worker and human services advocate. She is also a champion in her community as an advocate for children in the Roosevelt School District – she threw herself in the race for school board not as a politician but as a Parent/Mother. With all the tireless work she does, she put on another cap “Foster Mother.” Understanding that all children need that extra assistance for their greatness -she thought of others and not herself. Congrats Ericka!

RWR gives tremendous gratitude for these women who are roles models in our community. I appreciate and applaud you ladies. Keep up the magnificent work!

Much Love; Peace; & Blessings!


3rd annual honorees

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

More than likely we all know individuals that have been divorced;  people that have been in long term relationships that ended; and we probably all have single friends or family that do not necessarily want to be single. I’m saying all that to say this:  there are a lot of individuals that are getting into relationships or even dating and LOVE has nothing to do with it. Folks are entering into relationships because they need a partner for financial help; parental help; lonely and need someone to past the time with; or even as an ego booster. We heard the Beautiful Tina Turner sing that hit song What’s Love Got To Do With It” and it stated who needs a heart that can be broken.

I believe there are a lot of people who have made this their theme song. No one wants their heart broken, but living life; having your heart broken is probably inevitable.  If I took a poll I’m sure we all can state who broke our heart and what time in our life it happened. So, it’s safe to say we have never forgotten but that does not mean you bring that baggage into the next relationship. I believe in forgiving but not necessarily forgetting. Not forgetting doesn’t mean you have the mind-set that because someone broke your heart the next person will do the same, so you have to stay so guarded. I believe if you do that you just may be missing out on the right person.

Each heart break or mistake is really a blessing in disguise, because we have the opportunity to learn from each misfortunate. It makes us stronger and wiser. It can be complicated to pass on knowledge to others when you have never experienced it yourself. We can celebrate that we are going into the next situation or relationship with our eyes wide open; it’s really on us if we decide to be blinded by the facts.

Food for thought: Sometimes people that have never been loved do not know how to reciprocate love. Loving them may give them something they have never been exposed to.
